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Validation Error : Error obtaining the response

This article describes causes and fix for the Validation Error : Error obtaining the response

This error has several root causes, they are exeplained in the detailed description of the error.

If you are migrating from TMH to TMH2

If this error occurs on an acknowlegment message, you should first check the beginning of your message. The message should start with the following 3 lines : 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE TradeplaceMessage SYSTEM "">
<TradeplaceMessage xmlns="" productionMode="test">

Please note that Tradeplace version (here 2.0.0) might change according to current running version. productionMode can be test or production.
We know that messages without DOCTYPE or xmlns could be send on our former TMH system.
We have improved a lot our new system aka TMH2 and improved verification against our standard protocol. Such controls are raising errors on messages that were accepted on TMH.

Other cases

The detailed description would be looking like : 

Invalid TradeXML response from the partner (Transaction Id:99-b99999e9eba99e9cbdc9b9bf9e9a999b-99999c9999fc9e9b-99).
The element 'Routing' has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: 'Forwarder'.
The element 'TransportEnvelope' has invalid child element 'UniqueTransportID'.
List of possible elements expected: 'TradeplaceMessageVersion'.
The element 'TradeplaceAcknowledgement' has invalid child element 'AcknowledgementProcessingDate'.
List of possible elements expected: 'RequestDocumentClassification'.
The required attribute 'type' is missing.

Please check that your message looks like this : 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE TradeplaceMessage SYSTEM "">
<TradeplaceMessage xmlns="" productionMode="test">

This is the transport envelope of the message below the 3 first lines. They should look the same with the appropriate values.