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USP Management

Product USP and PDF Definitions.

This section defines which content object ShortText properties will be copied in the defined order to product USP_1 to USP_20 in the Marketing section.

  1. Open USP Management configuration for department.
  2. Add new configuration or choose existing configuration.
  3. Add product folder(s) to which the configuration should apply to.
  4. Add content objects where the ShortText property should be copied in the same order to the product USP's*

    *Only content objects which are associated with a product will be copied to the USP’s

  5. ShortText from content objects assigned to products are copied to USP's in the same order as defined in the USP configuration:
    • Content Object 2 is not copied to USP because it is not related to the product.
    • Content Object 3 is USP_1 because this is the order defined in the USP Management configuration data object.
    • The most specific folder configuration is used.

Example:  for the product “/LG/Products/DACH/HA/Dryers/Titan/MyProduct” the configuration with the folder
“/LG/Content Objects/DACH/HA/Dryers/Titan” is used instead of
“/LG/Content Objects/DACH/HA/Dryers”

PDF Content Object Display Values

This section defines how content objects should be displayed in the PDF “HIGHLIGHTS” table (Must be included in PDF template to work. Contact Prodanet in case of interest).

  1. Content Object 2 and all other content objects assigned to the product are displayed with “Title” and “Yes/No”.
  2. Content Object 3 is displayed only with “Title”.

PDF Content Object Successor

This section removes predecessors from the PDF if a successor is assigned to the product. Define this to prevent that a predecessor will show up as “No” in the “HIGHLIGHTS” table.

This is useful when a new feature replaces an old one. Otherwise customers would see the new feature as “Yes” in the table and the old as “No” which could lead to confusion.

  1. Content Object 1 is not displayed as “No” in PDF.
  2. Because Content Object 2 is assigned to the product.

Additional information

When will Content Object ShortText properties be copied to Product USP’s?

  • When the USP Management configuration is saved.
  • When a Product is saved.
  • When a Content Object is saved or deleted.


How does the USP Management configuration behave with published and unpublished?

USP Management

Content Object





Published or

Product USP property is updated with data from content object



Published or

No Product USP property is updated for unpublished content objects only


Published or unpublished

Published or

No Product USP property is updated