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User Management in the Digital Sales Assistant.

This article summarizes how to manage the users in the Digital Sales Assistant.

In each company there is an Administrator allowed to edit the permissions of their colleagues as well as new user registration. 

If you're not aware who the Administrator of your company is, please contact 

How to add new users?

  • Go to the settings button and choose User Management.

  • Click on the add button
  • Fill out the necessary information. Don't forget to choose the correct role (The role guide is always shown below)
  • Save the new user. They will receive an invitation with credentials and the page link to log in. 

Main administrators can only be set up by the Tradeplace Support Team. 

In case you need to delete an user, please contact us directly to handle this process. 

Manage and edit existing users.

On the main User Management page you will find your companies user list, where depending on the role you have you will be allow to edit users below your rank (refer to the Role Guide)

Roles Guide.