Migration FAQ's
This article will summarize the most frequently asked questions and errors regarding the migration into the new Portals hub.
Migration phase
This list will show the most common errors when migrating your account.
"We could not migrate the user with the data that you introduced, it might be it has been already migrated or the data you introduced is invalid" Error message.
This happens during the first step of the migration process, where the data from the old account is introduced with the new information required (e-mail and password). This can be due to two factors
- The password from your current credentials is incorrect.
- Someone else has migrated their account and used the same e-mail address (How to create and manage multiple accounts with the same e-mail as identifier? - Portals hub)
For both of these instances, please contact support@tradeplace.com and you will be advised on how to move forward. Do not retry the migration multiple times if you get this error message.
I haven't received the activation e-mail.
Without activating your account the login on the new Portals hub won't be possible. Search in your spam folder for an e-mail coming from Hub Support (support@tradeplace.com) and click on "activate account" at the bottom. After that, you will be able to log in here.
Logging in after migrating.
Once your account has been activated you will be able to log in, these are some possible errors:
"We can't seem to find your account" Error message.
The new Portals Hub works with e-mail addresses as identifications, that means after the migration process is done your new credentials will be the e-mail address and password combination you inserted during the first steps.
There can also be a misspell happening, make sure you're using the correct credentials. If the error persist contact us at support@tradeplace.com
The retailer connections are empty.