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How to set-up and maintain B2B Portal downtimes?

This article will show you how to manage your B2B Portal downtimes in the new Portals hub.

In the new Portals hub menu you can easily set up and mantain your B2B Portal downtimes, to do so follow the next steps. 


Click on the Downtime option under the Settings tab 


You will enter the Downtime menu, where you will be able to see the current saved planned downtimes and set up a new one, you can also clone, deactivate or delete any on the list. 


Click on New to set up a new planned downtime, here you have different settings to configure: 

  • Name. 
  • Timespan. 
  • Show in advance (notify your customers before it happens).
  • Activation. 
  • Countries affected.
  • Languages.
  • Personalized messages for different countries.

Set the complete configuration up, beware of alerts that might come up and when it's done click on save.