High Resolution Asset Export
How to export only high resolution assets out of Tradeplace PIMS
How to configure high resolution asset export
To configure the functionality to export high-resolution assets only within the export catalogues, it is required to activate/select the function inside of the Tradeplace PIMS UserPortal in Template Options.
After activating the function “Include only high-resolution assets” only assets with the highest resolution are added to the catalogue export.
In case the resolution for an asset can’t be identified, that asset is included in the catalogue export.
Currently only works with "TradeXML" format.
Resolution check is done based on following information:
- First check:
- resolution_category =” high”
- Second check if first check isn’t possible:
- pixelCount_x = “highest pixelCount”
- pixelCount_y = “highest pixelCount”
Assets are included if both information aren’t available.