How to download assets in the Digital Asset Portal?
Quick guide on how to navigate the Digital Asset Portal and download content.
Main filter
In the Home Page you can search through the available Brands and Product Families.
By clicking on the desired combination and the "Search in Digital Asset Portal" you will be launched to the selected page.
Search Bar
With this option, you can filter directly by choosing the brands or product families by a drop-down list, selecting multiple at the time its possible, as well as entering the Product Code or GTIN.
To search for different products, you can separate them by a semicolon << ; >>
Selection of Assets
Once you have searched for the desired combination of Brands and Product Families, you'll be redirected to the corresponding page, where you can see all available products and be able to enter each one of them to choose what you need to download.
Asset selection can only be done within the product itself by clicking on "See Product Details"
Inside your product, you'll see two ways of choosing your assets to download.
Dropdown Menu
Here you can select the entire group of different assets, whether it be pictures, videos or documents.
Individual selection.
By scrolling further down, you'll also have the possibility to pick exactly which assets you will download by choosing them individually from their separate categories.
Once you have completed your selection, you can proceed to click onor
to start the process immediately.
By clicking on the top button you will be redirected to your Download Cart, where all the previously selected items are displayed, allowing you to erase individual items, groups or reset the cart completely.
When you're happy with your selection, click on to finish the process.
If you want to know more about managing the download cart, click here.