How can I use Tradeplace in Carat ?
This article describes how to setup the usage of Tradeplace in Carat once you have entered your credentials.
Prerequisites : you have entered your Tradeplace credentials in Carat (see : How can I setup Tradeplace in Carat ?)
Enabling Tradeplace in CARAT
Now that you have entered Tradeplace credentials in CARAT software you need to specify some additional information in order to be working with Tradeplace for Quotation and Orders.
Entering customer code
You will need to specify your customer code in each catalogue. For this, go to Data and click on Catalogue Data
A new window will open showing you all catalogues you have.
You just need to double click on the catalogue or click on Edit button
This will display catalogue information. The first tab is about the catalogue and you need to specify here you customer code for this manufacturer. You may contact your counterpart at this manufacturer in order to get this customer code.
You need to do this for each catalogue you intend to use with Tradeplace.
Enabling Tradeplace in a catalog
Now that customer codes are entered, you need to specify to CARAT that you are willing to transmit orders via Tradeplace. For this, go back to catalogue details as previously and select the e.COM tab. In the Transmission Format area, please select Tradeplace.
Click on OK and the process is completed.
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