How can I setup Tradeplace in Carat ?
This article demonstrates how to setup Tradeplace in your Carat software.
Prerequisite : You have requested access to Tradeplace and you have got a reply with your credentials.
If not, please first request access to Tradeplace.
How to configure Tradeplace in Carat ?
You have now received the credentials from Tradeplace. This is an email with an attached Word document.
This document looks like the following
These is sensitive information that you should keep safely.
Setup CARAT software
First launch your CARAT software. Then go to System and click on System options
This will open a new window for options.
Please select e.COM in the list on the left, as below :
Doing this will lead you to the e.COM parameters that are including Tradeplace optionsThis part is in English in all CARAT versions
You now have to enter details from the Word document you received into this screen.
This is as follow :
Please do not click on automated login which has now became obsolete
Click on Ok or Apply, you are done !
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