How to manage your Manufacturer Administrator account?
The new administrator central shows you all the relevant information for your company in a centralized platform.
Once you log in to the platform you will be redirected to the Home page.
You will be able to see under Company all the relevant information as an Administrator, your business information, the active users in your account and the requests.
In the Business Account tab you will see your Company name, location, invoicing locations and contact details.
The Users tab will show you all the active users registered under your company. Here you will be able to add new users and impersonate them as well as filter through the list.
To add an user click on Add user, fill up the related information and don't forget to choose the Group since depending on it, the user will have more or less permits inside the menu.
In the Request tab you will see all the connection requests for your company, every time a request is made you will receive an e-mail notification which will redirect you to this page with all the relevant information