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  3. Business Error codes - Type "E"

Business Errors - Type "E"

A business message error -or- Type "E" occurs when a user sends a valid Tradeplace message, with good data within the routing envelope, but the final recipient of the message cannot process the message

Example messages with a business error include:

  • Non-existent SKUs within a product price request
  • Improper units of measure on a purchase order line item
  • Price on a line item is not a number

Because these errors deal only with the business message content, the Tradeplace Message Hub (TMH) cannot determine by itself whether or not a business message contains an error. Additionally the type of business error that may occur is dependent on the document classification. For example, the product information request document could not produce an “invalid price” error because it does not contain a price field.

Business message errors are generally handled at the end points. When a business message error is encountered within a request, the manufacturer generally replies with a TradeXML reply message with the MessageType, MessageCode, and MessageText detailing why the error occurred.


•    The MessageType tag will always contain E

•    The MessageCode tag will follow the following rules

•    Error in the envelope: 100 to 199

•    Error in the Header: 200 to 299

•    Error in the lines: 300 to 399

•    Business error: 400 to 499

•    System error: 500 to 599

•    Other errors: 900 to 999

•    MessageText contains an explanation and is free for each manufacturer.

Example Error Message:





<MessageText>0917 SYDRQJ Date Invalid</MessageText>




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